
The German Television awarded  Composer, Producer and Muscial Director received just recently 2017 two Musical Silver awards for his latest Production of his Rock Musical „Der Ring“ and 2020 as Best new Musical “ Der Mann mit dem Lachen” at the rewarded Staatsoperette Dresden the Musical 1 Award and 5 Nominations for at the german Musical Award.
There are well over 2 million visitors of his other works, such as "Qi" (Friedrichstadt Palast Berlin), "Elements", "Hexen", "Hansel and Gretel" (FSP Berlin), "POE" (Munich), "Paradise of Pain", "Phantasma" (Saarland State Theatre), his new interpretation of the classic Nibelung myth titled "The Ring" (Bonn Opera) or  "SnoWhite" (Theater Bonn) which was filmed in 2013 by the German Televison ARD. 

Frank Nimsgern wrote to this day, more than two dozen film scores, including the music for far ten episodes of the TV long-running „TATORT", "Hepzibah", "Helicops" etc. as well as various promotional trailer, among other things, Carlsberg USA, Peugeot, Schwartau, Karlsberg & Lagnese. 

He worked  for the Chaka Khan from 1994-96 as a musical director and guitarist. As a session musician he has played on 50 albums with and for like i.e. Anna Netrebko, Gino Vannelli, Chaka Khan, Billy Cobham, the Supremes, Klaus Doldinger, Pete York, Superdrumming or John Lord. With his own band, he traveled for the Goethe Institute by almost all the continents of the world, with distinction in Jakarta South-East Asia.
Nimsgern wrote the  title song for the daily Las Vegas Show by "Siegfried & Roy" :"Can you see the light".
His musical "POE", which was created in collaboration with  Heinz Rudolf Kunze, has been awarded several times. As musical director / supervisor he worked also in London, Berlin Friedrichstadt Palast ,Classic Open Air Berlin, Munich Tollwood, Oper Bonn, Saarl.Staatstheater or Las Vegas .Until end of June 2010, visitors could see and hear his compositions for the Berlin Friedrichstadt palace production “Qi” . The press and public alike celebrated to this day show attracted over 550,000 visitors.
Since October 5, 2018, his Nibelungen musical “Der Ring” has been running again in the Festspielhaus Neuschwanstein, planned for the next 5 years. In 2021 he arranged the musical “Zeppelin” for Ralph Siegel.
Nimsgern currently produces and composes “Das Lebensalbum” for & with the German TV Legend Dieter Hallervorden “80Plus” which has been related November 2021.
Due to the Covid pandemic, Nimsgern will celebrate new works such as “Freedom”, his first Opera “Martyr”at the Theater Pforzheim and “Jack the Ripper” on Sept 17th 2022 at the rewarded Theater Hof.


Current info:


Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin "ELEMENTS" - The Millennium Show (world premiere) Composition, lyrics and arrangements Book: Sascha Illjinskij, Jürgen Nass 

Year Activity

World premiere: “Jack the Ripper” Theater Hof.

CD + audio book with Dieter Hallervorden, Mark Seibert, Zodwa Selele, Sandy Mölling.

World Premiere: “Martyr” Opera Musical by F.N. & T. Münstermann Theater Pforzheim.

World premiere: “The Tempest” based on Shakespeare Music: FN open-air theater in Luisenburg

As Musical Director and Instrumentalist:

        Mark Seibert Tour 

        “Zeitelmoos” open-air stage in Luisenburg


Dieter Hallervorden “80 Plus” production & composition.

Album release: Telamo / Film: Halliwood Berlin,

Freedom” George Michael Show Theater Pforzheim

ZDF New Year's Eve Gala Berlin


"Zeppelin" - The Musical” Arrangement & Supervision for Ralph Siegel

Dieter Hallervorden “80 Plus” production


State operetta Dresden premiere

“The Man with the Laugh” A Symphonic Musical by F.N. for opera, ballet and musical ensemble.

Musical Director & Composer Mark Seibert Tour


 "The Ring" Festspielhaus Neuschwanstein 3rd year

2018 "The Ring" Festspielhaus Füssen / Musical1 Silver Award      

"Most popular musical - short run" and "Best musical novelty 2016"

"Rock Musical Circus" by F.N. for TUI CRUISES Mein Schiff


Falco” Musical Ballet by Amy Share & F.N. Theater Pforzheim over 40 shows      

and 2 seasons / various TV compositions.


"The Ring" Theater Hof

1st place in the musical CD charts with Mark Seibert "So Far" produced & recorded by FN.

Composer and author for "CARE - Germany" and "Child Protection Association"


"Paradise of Pain'' Reloaded at the Saarländisches Staatstheater.

Lecturer Stage Factory Berlin, Hamburg “Joop van der Ende Academy”, Nancy M.A.I.


Voluntary projects: "Care" Germany Luxembourg e.V.

The anti-racism project “color blind” with students from 8 nations

Official Representative : Alliance Against Depression & Child Protection Association


ARD film adaptation of F.N`s "SnoWhite" Opera Bonn

“SnoWhite” tour including ensuite in Neunkirchen blower hall

Film scores “Fair Trade”, “SnoWhite” ARD

“Falco” Theater Trier Ballet by Amy Share /Arranged & Prod.by F.N.


“Qi” Orchestral Suite for TUI Cruises “Mein Schiff”

“SnoWhite” Co Producer, Conductor & Artistic Director - Oper Bonn

Management of ON Stage GmbH

“Play me” conducting and supervising opera Chemnitz

ARD crime scene “A handful of paradise”


"Strangel - Angel of the Odds" Morro Images film music "Rocky Horror Show" conductor and new arrangement Staatstheater Saarbrücken


"Hepzibah" soundtrack for the feature film, PRO 7,

Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin

"Qi - a palace fantasy, show - composition, production & arrangement.

“SnoWhite” audio book with Hannelore Elsner (TUI Cruises)


London / Hamburg 

Ocean of love“ 

Composition and recordings with Anna Netrebko and with the German Film Orchestra Babelsberg

Hamburg / Berlin 

"AQUA" German Film Orchestra Babelsberg. Show, composition and music. Supervisor for TUI CRUISES Entertainment Berlin. Soundtrack on iTunes

Saarland State Theatre

“Phantasma”, musical, world premiere conception, composition, arrangement, co-production and musical direction / soundtrack published by Sony


Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin

"Qi - a palace fantasy, show composition, arrangement, supervisor & soundtrack 2009 en suite, 520,000 visitors.

International Commercial Trailer for Carlsberg "The Cornfield"


Bonn Opera

"Der Ring", musical (world premiere) conception, composition, arrangement and musical direction. Soundtrack published by Sony BMG

"Saar Suite" composition commission and artistic direction of the Saarland state government on the occasion of 50 years


London, West End, Shaftsburry

"Daddy Cool”, musical by Frank Farian

Score Composer for Additional Music and Musical Director

"Revenge Angel" ARD crime scene film music

ARD children's film "Knight or Angel" film music

Theater Trier

“Paradise of Pain”, composition and music supervisor


Munich "Tollwood Festival"

„POE“, Musical

Production, musical and artistic direction

"Vera's Weapons" ARD crime scene film music
Symphonieorchester Aachen "Elements", orchestral suite (world premiere; published by Schott Music) Conductor: Markus Bosch (GMD), composition, arrangements

„Reise ins Nichts“ ARD Tatort Filmmusik

„Alibi für Amelie“ ARD Tatort   Filmmusik


„Du hast keine Chance“ARD Tatort Filmmusik

„Die Zielscheibe“ARD Tatort Filmmusik


„Goldene Europa“ Verleihung des ARD-Fernsehpreises 

für Frank Nimsgern und seine Musicals „Paradise of Pain“, „SnoWhite“ .

„Die Möwe“ARD Tatort Filmmusik

Saarländisches Staatstheater

„SNOWHITE“, Musical  (Uraufführung)

Komposition, Arrangement und Musikalische Leitung Text: F. Felicetti 


Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin

"ELEMENTS" - Die Milleniums-Show  (Uraufführung)

Komposition, Songtexte und Arrangements 

Buch: Sascha Illjinskij, Jürgen Nass 


Saarländisches Staatstheater

„PARADISE OF PAIN“, Musical  (Uraufführung)

Konzeption, Komposition, Arrangement und Dirigat

1997 – 1999


Musikalische Leitung und Arrangement

1996 – 1999

Berliner Friedrichstadtpalast

 Komponist und Arrangeur für

„Die Blume von Hawai“ - Operettenadaption

„Hänsel und Gretel“ - Kinderrevueoper 

„Träume“ - Revue

„Lucky Ladies“ - Jazz-Revue


seit 1997

Komponist und Instrumentalist für nationale und internationale Werbespots für Kino und TV, u.a.  für Peugeot, Karlsberg, Schwartau und Langnese1991 – 1992  Aufzeichnung der ARD-Serie „Superdrumming“ (Jon Hiseman, Pete York )

1990 – 2001

Plattenaufnahmen und Tourneen

mit Musikern wie Chaka Khan, Billy Cobham, Gino Vannelli, Klaus Doldinger, Bobby Kimball, Pete York, Prof. Christoph Spendel, Wolfgang Dalheimer, Anna Netrebko etc
Veröffentlichung von fünf Solo-Alben - davon drei internationale Releases
1993 Award als Best Performing Live-Act in Djakarta - Süd Ost Asien.
Über 600 Konzerte weltweit u.a. in Deutschland, den USA, Südostasien, der Schweiz, Polen, Österreich, Indien, Sibirien, Russland und Afrika (im Auftrag des Goethe-Instituts und der deutschen Botschaft) mit der Frank Nimsgern Group

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